best laundry service in Abu Dhabi


We deliver to numerous locations in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. To know more, click here.

Our normal service is 48 hours post pick up and for express delivery is 24 hours for an extra charge. Please contact our customer service number for more information.

It’s 3 simple steps on how it works? click here to know more

We offer diverse range of laundry services in Abu Dhabi. Click here to know more

You can view our price list by clicking here

Based on our business model, we don’t offer a 1 hour service due to the time needed to pick up, process then deliver back to the customer. We offer express service which is 24 hours.

We provide numerous environmental friendly initiatives such as:

  1. We promote reuse of hangers and collect them when available. (Please help us save the environment by returning additional hangers)
  2. Our washing machines use 25% less water than traditional washing machines.
  3. We offer reusable/washable laundry bags to reduce the usage of plastic.

We continuously look for ways to improve our methods to contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint. Please feel free to provide any suggestions on our contact us form.

We take the utmost care of the items provided to us although we are not responsible for any shrinking or discoloration of items. However, if any items are damaged by us due to negligence then we are liable for 10 times the cost of the specific item’s service (laundry service)